Februar 2013
Django Jamie Foxx Tarantino
Les Misérables Hugh Jackman Tom Hooper
HIMYM S08 - E17 The Ashtray (9 / 10)
HIMYM S08 - E18 Weekend at Barney's (8 / 10)
Once Upon A Time S02 - E13 Tiny
Once Upon A Time S02 - E14 Manhattan
The Walking Dead S03 - E09 Kriegsrecht
The Walking Dead S03 - E10 Home
The Walking Dead S03 - E11 I Ain'T A Judas
Grey's Anatomy S09 - E14 The Face of Change
Grey's Anatomy S09 - E15 This is Why We Fight
Arrow S01 - E12 Betrayal
Arrow S01 - E13 The Odyssey
Arrow S01 - E14 Dodger
Arrow S01 - E15 Dead to Rights
Utopia S01 - E04
Utopia S01 - E05
Utopia S01 - E06
März 2013
Dead Man Down Colin Farrell Niels Arden Oplev
HIMYM S08 - E19 Time Travelers
HIMYM S08 - E20 The Foretress of Barnitude
Game of Thrones S03 - E01
Once Upon A Time S02 - E15 The Queen in Dead
Doctor Who S07 - E7 ??
The Walking Dead S03 - E12 Clear
The Walking Dead S03 - E13 Arrow on the Doorpost
The Walking Dead S03 - E14 Prey
The Walking Dead S03 - E15 This Sorrowful Life
The Walking Dead S03 - E16 Welcome to the Tombs - Staffelfinale
Grey's Anatomy S09 - E15 Transplant Wasteland
Arrow S01 - E16 The Huntress Returns
April 2013
Oblivion Morgan Freeman Joseph Kosinski
Side Effects Jude Law Steven Soderbergh
HIMYM S08 - E21 The Bro Mizvah
HIMYM S08 - E22 ??
Mad Men S06 - E01 ??
Mai 2013
Iron Man 3 Robert Downey Jr. Shane Black
Stoker Dermot Mulroney Chan-wook Park
Star Trek Into The Darkness Benedict Cumberbatch J.J. Abrams
Hangover III Bradley Cooper Todd Phillips
HIMYM S08 - E23 ??
HIMYM S08 - E24 ?? Staffelfinale
Juni 2013
Man of Steel Henry Cavill Zack Sydner
The Place Beyond the Pines Ryan Gosling Derek Cianfrance
Die Monster Uni Dan Scanlon
Dexter S08 - E01 ??
Juli 2013
Trance James McAvoy Danny Boyle
Pacific Rim Charlie Hunnam Guillermo del Toro
Wolverine: Weg des Kriegers Hugh Jackman James Mangold
Breaking Bad S05 - E08 The Decision
Dexter S08 - E02 Every Silver Lining
August 2013
The Lone Ranger Johnny Depp Gore Verbinski
Chroniken der Unterwelt - City of Bones Lily Collins Harald Zwart
Elysium Matt Damon Neill Blomkamp
September 2013
The World's End Martin Freeman Edgar Wright
Oktober 2013
Jon Don's Addiction Joseph Gordon-Levitt Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Thor: The Dark World Chris Hemsworth Alan Taylor
?? SHERLOCK S03 - E01
?? SHERLOCK S03 - E02
?? SHERLOCK S03 - E03
November 2013
Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire Jennifer Lawrence Francis Lawrence
The Counselor Michael Fassbender Ridley Scott
Dezember 2013
Der Hobbit: Die Einöde von Smaug Martin Freeman Peter Jackson
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